Training and Support

Stepping up into our strengths

On a recent long road trip, I listened to some wonderful and inspiring speakers who talked about their own journeys in life, the ups and downs of their careers, the people who inspired them and kept them going through the challenging times.  One of the presenters...

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Acknowledging the Influencers

Do you occasionally reflect on the people who have significantly impacted on the way you think and operate?  Do you know who has influenced you in the way you conduct yourself? Recently one of my wonderful colleagues put out a challenge to people like myself to...

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The importance of succession practices…

One of the risks that organisations face is succession, whether of its governance body, senior staff or for other positions that are fundamental to the organisation’s operations.  Succession involves really thinking and planning for the day when one (or more) key...

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A lot can change between one audit and the next…

Towards the end of a closing meeting, I often recommend the organisation takes time to celebrate.  It's not a big thing, really but sometimes when I make this sort of recommendation, it triggers another level of conversation with the people attending the closing...

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Celebrating at the end of an audit

Regardless of the size of the business or organisation, there is much work which goes into an audit. From addressing compliance as well as opportunities for improvement, making sure the systems do what they are supposed to do, and making sure internal as well as...

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Progressing into the unknown

Like so many other people whose work situation has changed in sometimes quite dramatic ways as a result of COVID-19, I am finding new ways to work and interact with people.  Technology is proving a fertile ground for me to learn new skills, and I have had some...

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The Guaranteed Way Forward in Managing Change

This week, my friends have been checking in with me to see how I am managing the latest change in my life – the change away from being a service provider to now being 'Mum'.  Honestly, I think I am doing pretty well. I know I have said this on many occasions,  I am...

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Performance Vs Trust

Do you sometimes find yourself having conversations with different people where a similar theme tends to come up repeatedly?  In the past couple of weeks, this has happened to me quite a bit, with discussions about the significant and not always positive impact that...

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Are Ethics Important in Audits?

Do you sometimes wonder if ethical conduct still has a place in today’s world?  Reading the headlines of newspapers, hearing the news (regardless of channel or media) and listening to people who also wonder about these sorts of issues, I ponder on this question a lot,...

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