Books by Kathy Rees
Transforming Human Services external auditors from good to great!
Book by Kathy Rees
Available in Ebook and Print Options!
Courageous Auditing: Beyond Compliance – Towards Being a Catalyst for Change ®
This book will make you think, and rethink everything you thought you knew about the profession of auditing.
The role of an auditor is not for the faint hearted. Some people fear us for the changes we may advocate, the costs sometimes associated with picking up inconsistencies and errors in how things are done according to ‘what’s right’, and others may see us as nothing more than a terrible nuisance. In whatever way we are viewed whether by managers, junior staff members, or trainers, our role is increasingly important in the world of non-for-profits, government agencies, and health services. What has become apparent for many of us in this industry, is that some outdated thinking has failed to develop our emotional intelligence as we go about our work.
Fear is what holds back critical thinking and common sense. Fear of making mistakes, and not crossing off the right points on a checklist, regardless of how effective they are, is the difference between someone keeping their job or not in some instances. Fear is also the reason for change being slow to take hold where it is often needed the most.
Available at:
Why Courageous Auditing is Important to Me!
Rave Reviews
Katrina Johnson, Director, Newsky Consulting, Australia
Insightful, reflective and thought-provoking read for both emerging and established quality system Auditors. Kathy challenges you to think beyond compliance to the space of VALUE and challenges auditors to evolve and step up.
David Hamer, Managing Director, HDAA Australia
This is a courageous effort by the author to begin the important conversation of ‘how an auditor should be in this changing world’. Courageous Auditing extends the prevailing model of ‘audit’. It proposes a professional way of working, challenging all auditors to rethink their role and consider how they can genuinely advance the organisations they work with. I recommend this book to all auditors, old and new.
Lyne Mear, Chief HR Manager, Lyne Mear & Associates
This book is the ‘go to’ book for auditors and anyone who wants to hold an attitude of growth and lifting of standards in business and in life.
Suzanne Le Huray, General Manager, HDAA Australia
Courageous Auditing provides a blend of Kathy’s years of experience and observations as an assessor backed up by research and other’s data. Kathy provides insight for people contemplating ‘becoming an auditor’ or in the early stages of professional development and the potential to truly make a difference for organisations that are audited.
Brian Amos, Quality and Compliance Advisor, Queensland
I believe every upcoming auditor should read this book so they can learn and know what the requirements of being a ‘good’ auditor are. There is responsibility in being a catalyst for change and value adding, especially in services that were struggling.
David Stannard, The Vision GuyÒ, Author and Founder of Paradise Rescued
A successful business audit requires two qualities – Leaders willing to learn and an experienced courageous auditor willing and capable to find the opportunities for improvement. Kathy Rees’ book takes the auditing part to the top level of performance.
Coming Soon
A memoir focusing on Kathy’s life with her disabled daughter is expected to be published in 2024.