Auditor Practice

Addressing risks with NDIS-funded self-managed arrangements

The NDIA continues to provide people with disabilities and their family members or nominees with many opportunities to self-manage the participant’s funds.  From what I have seen during the past year, this continues to be an attractive option for many people....

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Viewing Standards From a Different Point of View

Walking home a different way with my dog this morning presented me with an alternative view of my yard.  One I hadn’t seen for a while, in fact, as I rarely walk that way.  What I saw this morning was a tree that looked to be dead – and I am sure it wasn’t...

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Addressing Audit Frustration

Regardless of the length of time a business or organisation has been operating; its size, or the sector it's in, people often get frustrated, not only with the audit process but also with being audited in the first place. I hear this directly when I’m onsite as well...

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Are Ethics Important in Audits?

Do you sometimes wonder if ethical conduct still has a place in today’s world?  Reading the headlines of newspapers, hearing the news (regardless of channel or media) and listening to people who also wonder about these sorts of issues, I ponder on this question a lot,...

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Does AI have a Place in Audits?

Recently, I was reading some research involving the increased use of artificial intelligence and the potential impacts that this type of technology is likely to have on businesses, not only currently but well into the future.  One study found that artificial...

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‘Deer In the Headlight’ Situations

Have you ever walked into a room and immediately felt the tension in the air?  In my auditing role, this often happens to me.  I know that people are often fearful or apprehensive about the audit and not sure about what I will be looking for or asking of them.  I...

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Selecting Your Auditor

Over the past six months, several CEOs have shared their experiences with me about the differences between the current audit with what they have previously witnessed.  One CEO explained that the previous audit had left her feeling damaged and traumatized due to...

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